We know how tough it is to be laid off and how it can sometimes feel impossible to start applying for jobs. Our partner, Emily Murgatroyd, has come up with a few key steps to take that will help get moving in the direction of finding your next (dream) job (that don’t include cover letters or resumes): 

Most of you aren’t going to find a job through a job post. Around 80% of you will find one through networking. If you were laid off, my advice is not to rely on job postings that come to you. Instead, be proactive and create the circumstances that put you in front of ‘networked’ opportunities. Here are some ways you can do that: 
First, get crystal clear on your strengths/what you can offer an org. A career coach can help you with that, online tools can help you too. (I really like Simon Sinek’s Find your Why). This includes figuring out what your key values are. What’s important for you? What values must an organization have in order to align with yours? If you need help here, our coaches are experts in defining values – check them out.

Optimize your LinkedIn. It’s your storefront and your buyers (aka future employers) live here. Don’t leave sections blank. Include significant accomplishments, recognition, promotion. etc. Make your track record clear. Keyword to get picked up by the algorithm gods. Check out this article for LinkedIn optimization tips you may not know about. 

Now get out there and start making things happen. Nothing happens until something moves. That’s you. (And that quote is Einstein). Some steps you can take to get active in the market: 
1) Build a target list of ALL of the companies you are interested in. Put in a spreadsheet. Start following your target list companies on LinkedIn, build connections with their hiring managers and 2nd connections, and engage with their content. Get to know them online. Don’t expect immediate results. Relationships take time. 
2) Get active on LinkedIn by sharing content/thoughts that connect back to your ‘why’ and your subject matter expertise. 
3) Send emails to the ‘connectors’ in your life. Be super clear on what you’re targeting and what you can bring. No need for them to get back to you – you’d just like them to keep you in mind. Opportunities can come at the dog park/family reunion/coffee shop. 
I recently received an email from a candidate I’d coached to be more focused/intentional and direct with networking. They were highly qualified but hadn’t had any luck applying to positions over the past year. They took control by proactively networking with their target list. The email was to let me know they’d started their new career last month as a result. 
A connection decided they wanted to re-enter the workforce after years in consulting. They posted a personal call to action on their LinkedIn and were crystal clear about what they were looking for and how we – their audience, could help support them. Their post has been seen over 80,000 times and has collected over 600 likes and over 100 comments. They are actively interviewing and booking meetings. 
Yesterday I got an email from a listserv that I’m on that has 1000s of people on it. The person sending the email was looking for a contract opportunity. They were clear about what they were looking for and listed off what they were good at. Last week nobody knew what this person wanted. Today, 1000s of people do. 
No one tactic works alone; the plan I’ve outlined creates multiple streams for you to be seen. Do these things and you’re moving. Activity breeds activity. Start getting out there and things are going to happen. Nothing happens until something moves. Don’t take my word for it – it’s Einstein.